Welcome to the Lan.FS Website!
97161 people visited this site since its launch in August 2007.
Spanish language file integrated
Special thanks to Alex Pizarro from Bolivia for building a Spanish language file! We integrated his file into the current version of Lan.FS, which is available at the download section, now.
Update to version available!
Version 2.4 comes with numerous detail-improvements:
- The program is displayed correctly when you are using 120dpi font-resolution
- The Network Manager shows the online/offline status of networkcomputers
- You can send messages to all networkcomputers at once
- The Remote Desktop Session got a new function, which sets the Remote Desktop Picture to the original screen resolution.
This will improve the readability of text within the session. - The input of parameters used to start/run a program/command was improved. (Administration->Commands->Run)
- Dran'n'Drop is now possible from Windows Explorer to the Lan.Fs Commander
- Some other little bugs were fixed
With our best thanks to Elmi1001 for new proposals and for testing this version!
Update to version available!
Due to several optimizations we managed to enhance the transfer speed more than twice. Additionally we added some improvements to the Remote Desktop functions, so that the user can adjust the colordepth, with has an effect on the amount of images displayed each second. (low colordepth mean high transfer- rates). Last but not least we fixed some bugs concerning the Autorun-Entrys and Design under Vista.
Dutch language file included
Thanks to the help of Paul Elders, C.B.A Beheer Arnhem we integrated a Dutch language file to the current version of Lan.FS.
Update to version available!
We fixed a small bug, which generated this error message: "Socket Error # 10054 - Connection reset by peer".
Update to version available!
In the new version we corrected a lot of bugs in nealry all parts of the software. The messenger is now compatible with Microsofts Internet Explorer 7, the remote shell function requires less CPU-time, a restart of the Lan.FS Kernel does not create software-exceptions anymore, the file transfer can be canceled and resumed whenever you wish it. The bugs concerning the shutdown of your computer by Lan.FS were fixed, too. So Lan.FS is the most stable version ever built. Special thanks go to Dominic Müller who supported us by detecting new bugs.
Update to version available!
In this release of Lan.Fs we only removed some bugs especially in the Filetransfer and File Commander.
We recommend to uninstall older versions of Lan.FS before installing the new one!
Update to version available!
Shortly after publishing Lan.FS 2.1 it is now followed by Version 2.2.
Several improvements have been made like the multi-language-support and a new task-
manager in the admin section. In Lan.FS Version 2.2 you are now able to cancel file
transfers, resume them and send messages while transfering. The design has been
revised and renewed.
We recommend to uninstall older versions of Lan.FS before
installing the new one!
Update to version available!
Lan.FS Version 2.1 is now available in the download-section! It comes
with several interesting improvements like notification-windows with
sound on incoming messages or files, an autorun function and of course
the 256 bit AES stream encryption. Along with the password- protected
administrative section, Lan.FS has become much saver.
uninstall older versions of Lan.FS before installing the new one!
Now it begins! New program - new website!
Welcome to our new Website! The
new version of Lan.FS is available in the download- section, finally!
The software was particulary developed in order to work very stable and
more comfortable. Our goal is the slogan "Lan.FS - The
Future of Connectivity" for which we fight for. If you have questions or need technical support,
please use our new support area on this website. Download and enjoy Lan.FS now.
The Lan.FS Team